Tag Archive | macro extension tube

Project 365 – My P365 Anniversary

Well I can hardly believe it, but today marks the one year anniversary of the date I began my Project 365 journey.  It’s been quite an adventure!  While I wasn’t able to post an image every day, I can at least say that I stuck with it despite feeling, more often than I care to admit, like chucking the whole exercise.  So very many day I wished I had never taken on the challenge.  So very many days that I really didn’t have the time to spare to participate, but grudgingly did so anyway.  And so very many days I did not even want to post all those so-so and even bad images, but felt compelled to do so anyway just to get it over with.

But then there were many, many days that I rejoiced in the challenge because I knew I was growing as a photographer, growing faster than I could possibly have grown without taking the challenge.  There were many ah-ha moments along the way, moments when things just clicked (pun intended) right into place.  But I think what’s even more important than all of those light bulb moments was the cumulative effect of learning just by “doing it” every day.  I am thrilled with how far I have come over the past year and I know a great part of that is because I stuck with it and forced myself to keep shooting, editing, and posting my images even when I didn’t feel like it.

Today marks the end of my Project 365 journey.  A lot of life happened over the past year, and there were times the challenge just wasn’t an even an option for me.  But I feel satisfied in knowing that I did my best and stuck with it until the end.  It was a challenge so worth taking and I encourage you, if you are a photographer reading this post, to take the challenge yourself.  Without a doubt you will grow and you will learn.  It’s a journey worth pursuing, one you won’t regret (at least not most of the time 🙂 ).

So, if you’re wondering if I plan to continue with the P365 journey the answer is no… and yes.  I don’t plan to continue the daily challenge because I need to spend more time working on other important projects, not the least of which is my new photography business.  Several months ago I opened a small home photography studio and I will be dedicating much of my time to growing and developing my business.  It will be a balancing act between caring for my family, my business, and my personal life with friends and through my church.  But my passion for photography will keep me shooting and sharing, so I will still post my work as often as I am able.

I want to say a special “Thank You!” to those of you who have been following me through this journey!  I appreciate you more than you know.  And I want to especially thank those of you who reached out to me with your kind words and “likes”.  Your support and encouragement means the world to me.  As an artist it is often very difficult to put our work out there for the world to see.  Though we are generally our own worst critics (I am certainly mine!), we can’t help but fear (perhaps a little too strong a word to use here, but I am at a loss to come up with another) the other critics out there.  So it really does help to know when we’ve sparked a little something in the viewer and get the proverbial pat on the back or thumbs-up.  This too was a big part of the growing and learning process for me, and I am truly thankful for all of you!

So although today marks the end of my Project 365 challenge, my photography journey is still in its infancy and I anticipate, with eagerness and joy, many more adventures along this incredible journey.  I am dedicated to learning and growing, day by day and year by year, to become the best photographer I can become.  I hope you’ll stick with me, offering your encouragement, support, and even constructive criticism along the way.  If you decide to take the challenge yourself, or are already participating in the challenge please let me know!  I would love to see your work, learn from you, and encourage you along your journey.

Thanks again to all of you and God bless!


Project 365 – White Onion Blossoms

White Onion Blossom

Project 365 – Macro Garden Shots




Project 365 – Pea Blossoms


Project 365 – Shots From The Garden

With lots of thunderstorms in the forecast and a heavily overcast sky, I had perfect soft lighting to capture images from my garden this morning.   Here’s a sampling of what I captured today, as well as a couple from last night.

These cool mushrooms popped up all over the lawn and garden overnight!  I have no idea what kind they are or if they are poisonous, but they were really fun to photograph.



Some radishes that have my father’s name written all over them as I anticipate his arrival tomorrow in preparation for my daughter’s graduation.DSC08365-Edit-EditA promising looking tomato and some new buds…

DSC08371-Edit-EditHere’s a gorgeous cone flower I captured last night.

DSC08344-Edit-2-EditMy neighbors nest of kilsdeer hatched yesterday and I snapped this photo of this little guy last night.


Our strawberry patch has produced tons of strawberries this season.  I am amazed every time I go out to harvest just how many there are.  After my early morning photo shoot I rushed to harvest our berries as I listened to the sound of thunder rumbling in the distance.  I fished harvesting these berries just as the rain began to fall.  Hopefully I will have time to make some jam in the next few weeks.

DSC08114-Edit-EditThat’s all for now!  With my daughter’s graduation this weekend and family coming in town I doubt I will have much time to post any new images, so all of these will have to hold me over for a bit.  But with so many fabulous things happening in the garden and the upcoming flurry of activity I am sure my cameras won’t be collecting any dust!

Project 365 – Wine Glass Selfie

Sitting by the garden with my camera last night, while enjoying a glass of Merlot I snapped this image.  Lately I’ve been keeping my macro extension tube attached to one of my cameras to take advantage of those super-close-up shots, which I especially enjoy shooting out in the garden.  I love using my macro extension tubes, but it can be quite difficult to nail the focus… or perhaps that was the wine.  🙂

20140518_Wine Glass Selfie