Archive | March 2014

Project 365 – Infrared Willow

This morning a stole away to a local park for a bit with my infrared camera and my newest toy, an old Konica 35mm film camera that I picked up on the cheap at a local antique mall.  I am still on my first roll of film and hope to finish it out and get it developed later this week.  It’s a beauty and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it actually captures decent images.

For this image of a weeping willow I decided to go with just a partial channel swap instead of the full swap, which would have resulted in deep blue sky and water.  I preferred the purple hue of the sky and water because to me the blue hue just didn’t produce an image that looked like it was captured with an infrared camera.   But it won’t be long until the leaves finally return and I can start attempting to create the beautiful, surreal images of traditional infrared photography with the gorgeous snow-white foliage and deep blue skies!

Infrared Willow

Project 365 – Silly Boy

I asked my little one to pose for me tonight on a new rug I bought today for my studio and for the life of me I couldn’t get a serious pose out of him.  He was full of giggles and funny faces.  The takeaway:  The next time he’s in a silly mood when I ask him to pose, just roll with it.  🙂


Project 365 – Minolta XG1

Minolta xg1

Project 365 – Bird Watching… In A Grocery Store?

I captured today’s image with my cell phone while I was actually talking on the telephone and shopping at my local grocery store.  So it just goes to show you can be almost anywhere and still participate in bird watching.  🙂

Bird Kroger700

Project 365 – Bird Watching



Project 365 – Waiting

So I have to admit coming up with titles for each of my P365 images is not my favorite thing.  Most days I feel like I am lucky just to find the time to photograph, edit, and post my image.  Titling and commentating are pretty much an afterthought, so I realize my titles are generally rather uninspiring.  While contemplating today’s title, I also kicked around “Waiting For Spring” since our crazy Ohio weather just went from being a gorgeous and comfortable 60’s yesterday, to overcast and bone chilling today.  Ultimately I decided to go with “Waiting” and had to chuckled to myself because for me it was less about waiting for spring and more about waiting for the dadgum photographer to get the shot!  God bless my sweet friend Cindy for being so patient with me as I got in a little shooting practice today.  ♥


Project 365 – So Long Winter…

It was  a gorgeous spring day here today, so after dinner I finally took little time to enjoy it with a little photo walk around our yard.  This empty shell perched in some branches made for a good P365 photo opp.  But I have to admit, I am having a hard time finding compelling images to photograph these days among all the decay of our long, hard winter.  I am so anxious for the rainbow of spring colors to finally burst forth and paint the earth with the vibrancy of new life!

Okay I admit it, that sounded a little bit cheesy.  But dang it that’s seriously how I feel!  Bring on the leaves, and the flowers, and the green, green grass!  Old Man Winter, we are through with you!  You’ve worn out your welcome and it’s time to pack your bags and hit the road.  Come back and see us in say… December why don’t you?  But for now, take a hike.   Oh, and don’t let the door hit you on the butt on your way out.

Empty Shell

Project 365 – My Beautiful Girl

Today was a bit of a momentous day for me as I submitted my paperwork for my LLC!  I still have a little more red tape to deal with before I am officially open for business, but I am really getting excited to be moving closer to starting my photography business.  After running some errands and working on some more photo props, I spent a little fun time shooting some senior portraits of my beautiful baby girl.  🙂

Casey Arms Crossed700

Project 365 – Cherry Tree Buds

It’s a gorgeous day here today with temperatures in the mid 50’s, so I took a little walk in my backyard to see what I could find to photograph.  I was relieved to see our fruit trees survived the wicked winter weather, though sadly I think some of our berry bushes didn’t make it.  Here’s a snapshot of one of our cherry tree buds.  I can’t wait until they blossom!

Cherry Tree Buds