Archive | July 2013

Hydroponic Happenings: July 11, 2013

Hydroponic GardenWith so much going on in my corner of the world this year I’ve really struggled to find time to put together and update for my hydroponic cart, or anything else for that matter.  I am working on so many different projects (some of which I plan to share here eventually) and I am even taking a couple online classes (photography and Photoshop) to further feed my penchant for creativity.  🙂

Since my last hydroponic post I have transplanted, planted, rearranged, and generally tinkered with my cart quite a number of times.  There have been successes and failures, but all in all it’s proved to be a wonderful learning and culinary experience!  We’re enjoying the fruits of our labor almost daily, pinching off bits of herbs, lettuces as well as countless juicy tomatoes.  But I’ve also successfully transplanted many plants to the outdoor garden including lots of peppers, lettuces, herbs and even some flowers.

There were many vacant station in the cart since my last mass transplanting session, so last night I decided to fill them and take some photos for an update.  If you’ve been following along on my hydroponic journey you might be shocked to see the incredible growth, especially with my tomato plants.  We actually had to rearrange the entire cart because the massive root system of the tomatoes clogged the pumps!  Until we have some type of filter in place I have positioned plants with a less aggressive root system over the pump station.


My little one harvested lots of tomatoes before I had a chance to take my photos, but here are some of the ones he missed.  You can see one of the zip ties I used to anchor the massive branches to the side of the cart.  I also used some old pantyhose (it’s great to finally have a use for them because I certainly won’t be caught dead in them!) on some other branches.  I prefer the pantyhose method, but I ran out and I keep forgetting to get some more.

Hydropoinc Tomatoes

My basil is looking wonderful!  I just planted a lot more in anticipation of the coming fall and winter months.  I have pinched and pinched these guys to death as I waited on my outdoor garden supply.  I have a secret love affair with Margherita pizza!  I make grilled mini pizza crusts and keep them in the freezer for “quickies” whenever I have the urge, which is at least twice a week!

Hydroponic Basil

Here’s a pepper plant, some dill, arugula, lettuce and, hiding in the back, is a purple basil plant.

Hydroponic Plants

One of the blossoms on the pepper plant,

Hydroponic Pepper

the purple basil,

Hydroponic Basil

and a closer look at the lettuces.

Hydroponic Lettuce

The empty spots in the center are the stations I just seeded.  I added a number of herbs and lettuces.

Hydroponic Garden

It’s a bit of a balancing act to keep up with all the outdoor and indoor gardening with everything else going on, but I am not complaining.  It’s so awesome having fresh tomatoes on hand since my garden tomatoes aren’t yet ripe and, as it’s getting too hot for my outdoor lettuce I love having it on hand right in the cart.  I can only imagine how wonderful this will all be in the dead of winter!  Mmmm… I am dreaming of Margherita pizzas with loads of fresh tomatoes, basil, mozzarella, and garlic on a cold winter day…  Shoot!  Who needs a cold winter day?  I am up for a quickie right now!